Kamis, 14 April 2011


guys , do u ever get some problems in your life ? 
I believe you did. and now , this is the hardest part of my life . there's a group (sorry if i called like that , just make it easy to say) that hated me. I don't know what happen to them , before it happen to me , they are my friends , and i called them the best of my friends . but , what i get of that ? @@~

okay, i forgive myself to being NOT PERFECT GIRL . can you please just forgive myself ? you know, i dislike to be like this . like jerk that always be avoid when meet all of you. hey , we just for a while in this junior school. what the hell if we use this time like this.

please , for everyone who read this post :
don't judge me if you dont know me as well. it's different between outside and inside of me. thx a lot :)

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