Jumat, 15 April 2011


hello guys, kalian pasti sering kan denger ungkapan kayak gini : " wekz! lebay deeh ! " . i'm sure all of you ever said that. well, pernyataan kayak gitu banyak pro dan kontra nya lho!.
kenapa aku milih topik ini? soalnya aku sering banget dapet ungkapan itu dari temen-temen ;wekz

menurutku, lebay itu gag salah! *bukan karena aku nya emang lebay atau gimana but that's the fact. terkadang, kita semua pingin diperhatikan. hampir semua orang tau itu, kecuali yang gag pernah maw kenal sama diri mereka sendiri. nah, riset membuktikan bahwa 8 dari 10 orang menarik perhatian dengan cara OVER! yaa sebut aja berlebihan alias lebay. jadi gag salah khan kalo kebanyakan dari kita tu lebay! ;hoeh
guys, sometimes it's so much better to be yourself! whatever what you are. poor, rich, bad, ugly, idiot, or something else. just be yourself! :)
if you don't want that, i can ask you one question: who are you ? you never show your really personality!
obviously, some of you maybe afraid to be yourself. i don't know what's on your mind to be like that. maybe, you afraid to be alone because of you don't have any friends ? don't be silly guys ! =P
the true friends are some person that accompany you because of you! not because of your glamour dress, new laptop maybe, or another else. trust me! you'll  get your true friends someday in the great time absolutly.

guys, what can i say? i'm unique. and i'm not like the other girls because of me. i'm myself! just me :)

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